Ricky Kane developed a passion for art & design early in life . . .

. . . a passion that he has cultivated through exploration in medium, material, and construction. These explorations eventually led him to landscape architecture, which he found to offer opportunities, through protection, restoration, and development of beautiful and functional spaces, to inspire people to explore and experience the natural world and outdoor living.

His approach is experiential, often working through programming and envisioning of space in three dimensions before tailoring on paper and plan. Ricky believes understanding the essence of the site, culture of the client and region, and historic background are the precursors to informed and functional landscapes. Developing a design on this understanding leads to profound landscapes, landscapes that evoke emotion, that elevate architecture, and that create place.

- Ricky Kane | PLA



Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo CA


Project Manager / Project Designer, Design Workshop Inc., Stateline NV

Landscape Architect/ Project Manager, Evergreen Landscape Development, Reno NV


Nevada State Board of Landscape Architecture, Licensed Landscape Architect #1085